Category: General
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Gender and Jobs in Online Image Searches
BY ONYI LAM, BRIAN BRODERICK, STEFAN WOJCIK AND ADAM HUGHES Men are overrepresented in online image search results across a majority of jobs examined; women appear lower than men in such search results for many jobs. Online media organizations, social media sites and individuals add vast quantities of images to the web each day. These images can then appear in…
Are You Ready to Reopen Your Business
Are You Ready to Reopen Your Business? Who could have predicted that we will be sheltering in place when you set your 2020 business goals back in January? Here we are almost a full three months with stores, restaurants, and business closed, and millions of people on unemployment. It's hard to believe that we find…
Wanted: Authentic Women Leaders to Lead in a VUCA World
We live in VUCA times, Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, with the Pandemic, racial inequality, political divisions, and climate change. The present situation calls for leaders at all levels of our society to help address these complex problems. Traditional ways of leading do not prepare leaders to work with the challenges VUCA brings. I advocate…
Are You Self-Aware?
Have you been feeling that you are operating on autopilot? Is your mind filled with self-chatter, and you're feeling out of sorts? You may have slipped out of self-awareness, and it's easy to do in this hectic world. If so, take a pause and center using mindfulness, breathing, or whatever works for you to come…
What does it mean to be an Authentic Leader?
The word authentic is constantly heard and can mean different things to different people. It means showing up as who you truly are, which is too vague when describing an authentic leader. There is a body of scholarly research and theories about Authentic Leadership that includes self-awareness, moral and ethical values, being open to listening…